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Write Right: Choose The Best Tool For You


When your parents attended school, they had one choice for taking notes in the classroom--their own hands! Today, you still have the option of handwriting your notes. Many people find that writing their notes by hand helps increase comprehension, focus, and memory. However, other people find that using today's many different technologies is thier preferred method of note-taking. No matter which method you use, you can still implement strategies such as color coding and the Cornell Method to make the most of your note-taking!


Check out the images below to gain a better understanding of the many ways you can take notes.


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In How to Take NOTES Effectively: The 7 KEY Steps to Note Taking for Maximum Memory Retention Natalee Pena discusses the draw of all three of the following methods of note taking

Natalee Pena states, "[L]aptops and tablets have replaced notebooks and pens or pencils. For the sake of expediency, a lot of students simply type into their notebook computers or tablets."

Pena writes, "Taking longhand notes forces you to sift through the information being given during a lecture so that you can take down only the pertinent bits."

Pena also writes that "students claim that typing into a laptop is far more time efficient than taking notes the old-fashioned way (e.g., taking notes by hand)."

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